Breaking Our Instincts

Something a little older, but I still feel it’s worth putting out in to the web-iverse.

Lately I’ve been thinking about the conditioning of our society more and more. I’ve been seeing so many different tactics used by the elite but they all have a common goal. Strip us our instincts and turn us in to the slave animals that they see us as. The demasculinization of men is one thing that has bothered me a lot as of late. From the rise of feminism to the increase of single mothers raising their children to the misunderstanding of the term gaslighting to retractable dog leashes and dog ownership; there are so many ways that they’re trying to strip people of their natural instincts to protect they’re family or pack.
I’ll start with the simplest yet strangest of my examples, retractable dog leashes. In my past couple months of being a dog owner, I’ve learned a lot about pack instinct and the importance of being a good pack leader. When you take the reins with your dog as the pack leader and guide your dog with love and positive energy you have a happy and healthy dog. It’s actually very stressful for a dog to have to be in charge of its pack. Even though dogs have evolved in to the ultimate domestic/companion animal they are still living in a human world. It is theorized that if humans suddenly vanished from this planet dogs would get by and evolve back to they’re natural instinct, but for right now they’re a dog in man’s world. Which means they’re not sure about what dangers are really dangers. That puts a lot of stress on the dog. No where is this more apparent then in a walk. How often do you see a dog walking its owner? Quite often, I’d say. This dog is really getting nothing out of that walk. He is so caught up with making sure there is no danger ahead that he is receiving nothing but stress from the situation. Retractable leashes are a huge problem in this situation. When you give your dog 25′ of leash to work with of course he’s going to take the leadership role. And by doing that, you’re losing some of your natural instincts to be a pack leader. I know it might seem silly, but someone started pushing these leashes on the public.
There has been a dramatic rise in the number of single mothers over the years. Or more appropriately, I guess I should say that there has been a dramatic breakdown of the family unit. And I want to make it very clear that I am in no way saying I disagree with the idea of gay marriage. I’m actually quite for it. If two people are truly in love and want to raise a child, I say more power to them. It doesn’t matter what their gender or sexual orientation is. They’ll still feel the need to carry on their legacy regardless of being gay or not. And when you want to continue you legacy you’re going to do your best to raise your child right. What is bothering me is the breakdown of the healthy family structure. The single mother home. The lack of a good father figure. Lets go back in time to the days of tribal families.  In those days the role of the male was to protect and provide for his family and tribe. The family unit was tight knit and everyone played their part in this society. As time progressed and humans, in my humble opinion, devolved we began to drift away from the structure that we use to embrace. More and more we see families lacking a patriarch, without that boys are being conditioned in to thinking that their instincts of protecting and providing are no longer valid.
The rise of feminism goes hand in hand with the breakdown of the family unit. Once again, I need to give the disclaimer though, I have no issue with female empowerment. I honestly feel that women are the stronger gender. The problem I have with feminism though is that it has been used to turn women against men. And, in many cases, has led to a feminisation of men for the shear fact that men want female contact and in order to get that contact men have been willing to relinquish their instincts.
One tool of the elitist feminist movement that I’ve seen recently is gaslighting.  This first became apparent to me when I read an article in the Huffington post. When I first read the article, I thought “great… more feminism to cause a gender war.” Not really thinking about the fact that it was in the Huffington post. Later that evening, when my fiance, after reading the article, decided to accuse me repeatedly of gaslighting I began to think. I started doing some research but then became side tracked on other things.
I use to be a fan of Alex Jones but grew tired of his fear mongering and sensationalism, I also question whether he might be a globalist pawn. But regardless of that, he often makes valid points and does have some solid ideas. On one of his recent shows, that I just randomly got the itch to listen to again, he was talking about women being empowered as a tool of the globalists. Didn’t think much about it at the time. But after yet another argument with my fiance and after being accused, yet again, of gaslighting something clicked.  I started doing some more research and found our that Yassir Ali, the author of the Huff post article was actually a man. I found out more about what gaslighting really is and found out that the article, while it exposes the concept, does not accurately describe it in depth. Then it dawned on me, Huffpost is owned by Arianna Huffington, known globalist and feminist. She has a man write this article, and after reading it again, I realized just how condescending it was written. It was written in a way to fire up women and turn them against men. Because now, the women who have read the article and taken it as the gospel are thinking that everytime a man disagrees with her or “corrects” her or has anything to say about her behavior, he’s gaslighting. But the reality of it is that men and women think and process things differently and people in general, interpret things differently. When an argument comes up that is really just a matter of different thought processes clashing it is now being dubbed emotional abuse and manipulation.  Basically, what I’m getting at is people are taking this term and running with it without taking the time to truly understand it. And that is exactly what the globalists want. Here is yet another disclaimer, I do feel that gaslighting is a real thing and a nasty form of abuse but it is a bit misunderstood. The powers that be find it a lot easier to initiate control when they have every one “working against each other.” If women start thinking that all men are evil and the feminist agenda is manipulated further, then naturally they’re going to flock to women in power who “understand”. Meanwhile, men are being manipulated in to thinking that they’re wrong for not thinking the same way as women. So therefore they start to fall more towards getting in touch with their feminine side so they can still have female contact. If everyone keeps falling more and more in line with the feminist agenda that has been laid out by the nwo, we as a people will lose our edge. Our will to fight. Our instinctual urge to protect our family or tribe or pack from approaching danger.  That’s exactly what they want. They want us to devolve away from our instincts. Just like the chained elephant analogy. They strip us of our instincts and over time we truly become slaves.

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