
I’ve alway been the kind of person that questions what’s going around me. There are just so many things that I see people say and do that make me wonder “what the hell are they thinking?!” So this blog is dedicated to some of the questions that have been bothering me lately. There is really no rhyme or reason to the order that these at in, this is just me dumping my brain out. And away we go….

Marijuana users – I understand most of you just want to be able to get high in peace, but in your fight for legalization I feel like most of you are overlooking something that, at least in my opinion, is pretty important. The threat of genetically modified marijuana. It is a very real thing and has been for years, since 07 I believe, and while you may not think its made it in to the US, there is a very good chance it has. I’m sure there are plenty of you that don’t really care about the risks of genetically modified organisms, but I know there are many that do and many that are very aware of what companies like Monsanto have done to farmers across the world.

So I ask you this, if weed is legalized, what’s going to stop Monsanto from filing a patent on their own strain of weed and begin to force that upon the pot smoking public? It’s no secret that they have a lot of political backing and getting their way would not be hard for them to do. Just like with their current staple crops, they’ll accidentally release their seeds throughout the country and begin to run out all the small growers and then what? Government weed? Call me crazy, but I personally think that letting the government have more control over a mind altering substance than they already do is very dangerous. No one knows what the long term effects of GM weed would be. We can’t even get a straight answer on the long term effects of GM corn, other than all the farmers that have been bankrupted and heirloom seeds that have been tainted.

Personally, I do not smoke weed and have no desire to for health reasons. I’m one of a small percentage of people who has adverse reactions to it. That doesn’t mean I’m anti weed, I’m all for personal freedom, as long as your freedom to be you includes my freedom to be free from you. I just think that just legalizing it would really end up hurting us more than helping. Decriminalization, in my eyes, is the better route but that’s just me.

“Slacktivists” – Does yelling at people on Facebook and Twitter really help your cause? Personally, I don’t know too many people that like having someone else’s beliefs shoved down their throat. Instead of yelling at people to belief what you say then berating those who openly disagree with you, why not try sharing the information that you used to learn about the thing you’re passionate about with people and letting them come to their own conclusion. And if you’re a good researcher , you’ll be able to offer multiple sources and hopefully you’ll be able to look rationally at all sides. A saying that I’ve always tried to live by is “don’t trust the ones who are selling you the truth, trust the ones who are seeking the truth.” It’s no secret that no matter what, there will be people that disagree with you and there will always be people that just won’t be able to wrap their head around somethings, so instead of screaming at everyone, refocus yourself. Every journey begins with one step and every friendship begins with one word, that mentality translates well in to the world of activism. Just my opinion though.

This one is for everyone – This is something that has really been bothering me over the past few years. Why is it that so many of those in my generation (18-36) will claim to be open minded but when it comes down to it, anything outside of their little box of “reality” couldn’t possibly be true. Sadly, this mentality is rampant in the “truth movement”, occupiers, progressives and in a lot of Ron Paul supporters.

Truthers, occupiers and Disciples of Paul all seem to have a lot of similarities in this sense. They all seem to realize that there is a problem in the power structure but they’re only willing to look at a slightly larger piece of the puzzle than the general public. God forbid you try to offer them any information that might go deeper. I’m convinced it’s an ego thing, they have to be the smartest one in the room. That’s not saying that this that dig deeper are smarter, one thing I’ve noticed though is that there is a breed of skeptics in the truest sense of the word that really get it. I like to think of myself as almost one of those people. I don’t consider myself to be a master of any subject, I know I’ve only scratched the surface when it comes to my quest for knowledge and the truth. But there is one thing that I think sets me apart from many others and that’s the ability to look at most situations from many different angles. I think that is one of the most valuable abilities one could have.

Take this Kony 2012 thing for instance, sorry for beating a dead horse. What a polarized campaign it is. You have those that are supporting it and those that are against it, but when arguments come up, there is very little rational thought brought in to the fray. Every has picked their side and that’s that. Instead of questioning different aspects of what’s going people would rather yell back and forth. Does that accomplish anything? Once again, everyone is so hell bent on being the smartest person in the room and just can not seem to let go of that need to feed the ego.
To be continued…..

Just another paranormal experience

I am far from religious, in fact, I denounced the Catholic faith that i was born in to by age nine and since then I’ve only developed more and more disdain for the idea of organized religion. I’ve done a fair amount of reading in the various holy books and have determined that i don’t dislike those that follow those religions, i just dislike the manipulation and brainwashing that is so prevalent in those religions. For the record, I am not an atheist, I believe in intelligent design of the universe and I also believe that there is much more to the universe than what we immediately perceive to be there.

So when my job sent me to help build a Catholic church, you can imagine I was a little annoyed. For all the years doing electrical work, I’ve been on my fair share of job sites that don’t jive with my personal beliefs. Obviously, explaining to my boss that I can’t work somewhere because it doesn’t resonate with would not fly and I’d probably lose my job, so I’ve done a lot of sucking it up over the years.

As I drove up to the gate of the church I noticed the cemetery across the street and the historic site sign. I’ve driven past hear many times and have always been a little creeped out by it, but I’ve been a firm believer that cemeteries generally aren’t havens for paranormal activity because it’s where our physical forms are laid to rest and I believe our spirit separates from our body the moment we die and really doesn’t have much reason to cling to a physical form after that. So I entered the gate of the church and parked my car. The time was 5:40 am and the parking lot was empty. Within seconds of parking, I feel like my energy was completely sapped, very out of the ordinary for me because I’ve managed to train myself to be a morning person over the past ten years, I also got a good night’s sleep and had my morning cup of strong tea. There is no reason why I should’ve been so tired, but I could not keep my eyes open. I gave in and went to sleep, the time was now 5:41.

As quickly as I fell asleep, I awoke to the feeling like someone was watching me. I looked around and saw nothing, the time was 5:42. My eyes closed themselves and again I conked out. Once again, that feeling came back, I shot up and looked around but saw nothing except that the time was now 5:44. I fell back asleep, but this time I entered in to a state I’m familiar with, sort of a meditative state that I’ve had some interesting and intuitive visions while in. That feeling came back but this time, instead of physically waking up, my third eye looked around and saw a shadowy figure standing outside of my car window looking in at me. I opened my eyes but nothing was there. 5:46. Again I fall back asleep and again I have a vision of a shadowy figure looking at me through my car window, this time it was on the passenger side of the car. At this point, I snap out of it and I wake up. Fully awake. Like I would normally feel in the mornings.

I sit there for a few minutes and take in what just occurred. I’ve had shadow person incidents before, but I’ve been in bed and suffered from sleep paralysis during every in incident. I’ve also seen what I believe to be entities that were not of this plane of existence. This incident just felt different though. The energy drain, the location, the figure; these things were far different than anything I’ve ever experienced. But the story doesn’t end there.
I went about my day and came home. Said hello to my fiancé and our puppy and proceeded to the bathroom for the triple S (minus the shaving, lol). I had my phone and iPad with me and before I climbed in to the shower I set both of them of the sink, phone on top of the iPad. I started by routine of washing, decompressing and reflecting on my day. As I’m rinsing soap from my face I hear something hit the floor. I look to see my phone on the ground. That’s odd, I think to myself. I finish up and proceed to try and debunk what happened. I set the phone on the iPad again and see how much it slides. Due to the rubberized casing on the phone it does not slide at all. A tap on the sink and iPad hoping to vibrate it off the iPad, nothing…. I don’t know what to think.

The next day I pull up to work and again the parking lot is empty and again my energy is drained. I park and fall asleep, the time is 5:41 am. My experiences mimic the previous morning almost identically, the times all match and everything. The only difference is that this morning, instead of waking up and reflecting on what happened, I sleep until around 6:30 before having that “oh shit, I overslept!” moment. I rush in to the building and go about my day. As I’m writing this I can’t help but wonder what tomorrow will bring. Just for kicks, I think I’ll bring my little quartz crystal with me. It’s been picking up a lot of good energy lately and I’m hoping it will help shield me from any malicious entity that might be showing interest in me. Not that I necessarily believe that what I’m sensing is negative, it could be benign but just curious. Either way, I don’t want to take any chances.

I’ll update this blog as more comes in.

Election 2012

Before I go any further, I’d like to come right out and say that I don’t vote. I refuse to play along with the corrupt game that is our electoral system. I’ve been an eligible voter for almost 12 years now, and by some standards that’s not a long time. But, even before I could vote, I knew it was something I never wanted to be a part of. Neither side really brings much to the table for me. Although, lately I find myself agreeing more with certain conservative pundits and shaking my head at most liberal/progressive pundits.  This isn’t about my political leanings though, this is about my observations on how some people have been acting because of this election, more specifically, Ron Paul supporters.  And a little about those pesky progressives.

When it comes to the world of the GOP, you have your Joe the Plumbers, your upper class, your gun nuts and of course your Ron Paul supporters. Now, Ron Paul says a lot of things that resonate strongly with me. On the surface, he speaks my language. End the Fed, no big government, bring home the troops, etc. Those are things that I definitely support, but he’s still a politician. The funny thing about Ron Paul supporters is that they really are ahead of the conservative curve and yes, I think that’s a good thing. But the problem that arises is that a lot of them don’t realize that they’re so far ahead and they spend a lot of time yelling and screaming at people for not sharing their beliefs.Beyond anything else, that is what is going to be most detrimental to his run for the Republican nomination.

Now on to Obama… I was not one of those people that thought Obama was going to save our country. He’s done nothing to better our situation but he’s done a really great job at making it look like everyone else in the government is responsible for what’s going on. Progressives are so quick to throw everyone else under the bus to make Obama look good, but they refuse to see it when Obama and his cronies do the same things. Lets talk about Romney and the Bain situation. So what if he’s made a ton of money, so what if he’s one of the richest candidates in history, so what if he’s only paying 15% in taxes. Did he break the law? Technically, no. Is he doing things with his money in order to protect it as much as possible? Hell yeah. If I had enough money to put it off shore and ease my tax burden, you’re damn right I’d do it. And I think the majority of the people in this country would do the same. Look at General Electric, most of Hollywood, the fashion industry, the auto industry. All of them are probably doing things with their money that allows them to minimize the amount of taxes they have to pay. And look at how many of them are up Obama’s ass (or vice versa).

I guess what I’m really getting at is that society is so caught up on trying to be on the winning team, but in the process, they’re missing so much key information. Take off the blinders and start looking logically at both sides. And stop attacking or lashing out at people for not sharing your point of view. The old saying is you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Well both sides are full of vinegar but unfortunately for all of us, the left has managed to convince 47% of the population that vinegar isn’t so bad. The sad thing is, all that vinegar is from the same source.

Breaking Our Instincts

Something a little older, but I still feel it’s worth putting out in to the web-iverse.

Lately I’ve been thinking about the conditioning of our society more and more. I’ve been seeing so many different tactics used by the elite but they all have a common goal. Strip us our instincts and turn us in to the slave animals that they see us as. The demasculinization of men is one thing that has bothered me a lot as of late. From the rise of feminism to the increase of single mothers raising their children to the misunderstanding of the term gaslighting to retractable dog leashes and dog ownership; there are so many ways that they’re trying to strip people of their natural instincts to protect they’re family or pack.
I’ll start with the simplest yet strangest of my examples, retractable dog leashes. In my past couple months of being a dog owner, I’ve learned a lot about pack instinct and the importance of being a good pack leader. When you take the reins with your dog as the pack leader and guide your dog with love and positive energy you have a happy and healthy dog. It’s actually very stressful for a dog to have to be in charge of its pack. Even though dogs have evolved in to the ultimate domestic/companion animal they are still living in a human world. It is theorized that if humans suddenly vanished from this planet dogs would get by and evolve back to they’re natural instinct, but for right now they’re a dog in man’s world. Which means they’re not sure about what dangers are really dangers. That puts a lot of stress on the dog. No where is this more apparent then in a walk. How often do you see a dog walking its owner? Quite often, I’d say. This dog is really getting nothing out of that walk. He is so caught up with making sure there is no danger ahead that he is receiving nothing but stress from the situation. Retractable leashes are a huge problem in this situation. When you give your dog 25′ of leash to work with of course he’s going to take the leadership role. And by doing that, you’re losing some of your natural instincts to be a pack leader. I know it might seem silly, but someone started pushing these leashes on the public.
There has been a dramatic rise in the number of single mothers over the years. Or more appropriately, I guess I should say that there has been a dramatic breakdown of the family unit. And I want to make it very clear that I am in no way saying I disagree with the idea of gay marriage. I’m actually quite for it. If two people are truly in love and want to raise a child, I say more power to them. It doesn’t matter what their gender or sexual orientation is. They’ll still feel the need to carry on their legacy regardless of being gay or not. And when you want to continue you legacy you’re going to do your best to raise your child right. What is bothering me is the breakdown of the healthy family structure. The single mother home. The lack of a good father figure. Lets go back in time to the days of tribal families.  In those days the role of the male was to protect and provide for his family and tribe. The family unit was tight knit and everyone played their part in this society. As time progressed and humans, in my humble opinion, devolved we began to drift away from the structure that we use to embrace. More and more we see families lacking a patriarch, without that boys are being conditioned in to thinking that their instincts of protecting and providing are no longer valid.
The rise of feminism goes hand in hand with the breakdown of the family unit. Once again, I need to give the disclaimer though, I have no issue with female empowerment. I honestly feel that women are the stronger gender. The problem I have with feminism though is that it has been used to turn women against men. And, in many cases, has led to a feminisation of men for the shear fact that men want female contact and in order to get that contact men have been willing to relinquish their instincts.
One tool of the elitist feminist movement that I’ve seen recently is gaslighting.  This first became apparent to me when I read an article in the Huffington post. When I first read the article, I thought “great… more feminism to cause a gender war.” Not really thinking about the fact that it was in the Huffington post. Later that evening, when my fiance, after reading the article, decided to accuse me repeatedly of gaslighting I began to think. I started doing some research but then became side tracked on other things.
I use to be a fan of Alex Jones but grew tired of his fear mongering and sensationalism, I also question whether he might be a globalist pawn. But regardless of that, he often makes valid points and does have some solid ideas. On one of his recent shows, that I just randomly got the itch to listen to again, he was talking about women being empowered as a tool of the globalists. Didn’t think much about it at the time. But after yet another argument with my fiance and after being accused, yet again, of gaslighting something clicked.  I started doing some more research and found our that Yassir Ali, the author of the Huff post article was actually a man. I found out more about what gaslighting really is and found out that the article, while it exposes the concept, does not accurately describe it in depth. Then it dawned on me, Huffpost is owned by Arianna Huffington, known globalist and feminist. She has a man write this article, and after reading it again, I realized just how condescending it was written. It was written in a way to fire up women and turn them against men. Because now, the women who have read the article and taken it as the gospel are thinking that everytime a man disagrees with her or “corrects” her or has anything to say about her behavior, he’s gaslighting. But the reality of it is that men and women think and process things differently and people in general, interpret things differently. When an argument comes up that is really just a matter of different thought processes clashing it is now being dubbed emotional abuse and manipulation.  Basically, what I’m getting at is people are taking this term and running with it without taking the time to truly understand it. And that is exactly what the globalists want. Here is yet another disclaimer, I do feel that gaslighting is a real thing and a nasty form of abuse but it is a bit misunderstood. The powers that be find it a lot easier to initiate control when they have every one “working against each other.” If women start thinking that all men are evil and the feminist agenda is manipulated further, then naturally they’re going to flock to women in power who “understand”. Meanwhile, men are being manipulated in to thinking that they’re wrong for not thinking the same way as women. So therefore they start to fall more towards getting in touch with their feminine side so they can still have female contact. If everyone keeps falling more and more in line with the feminist agenda that has been laid out by the nwo, we as a people will lose our edge. Our will to fight. Our instinctual urge to protect our family or tribe or pack from approaching danger.  That’s exactly what they want. They want us to devolve away from our instincts. Just like the chained elephant analogy. They strip us of our instincts and over time we truly become slaves.

Consumerism and the Reptilian Mind

The word reptilian can bring to many images. Some may think of aliens or demons, some may think of the new world order, some may laugh it off as some crazy conspiracy. When I think of the word reptilian, I think of myself and I think about you and my next door neighbor and the deer running across the road and every other being on this planet. I think that because believe it or not, there is a little bit of reptilian inside all of us.

The brain is divided in to the basic parts. At the highest level is the cortex. Most scientists will agree that even though it makes up the majority of our brain, it is the least used. Others say that it is where our subconscious or our hyper-consciousness is housed. It governs our self awareness and our voluntary movements. It is where our logic and problem solving abilities are housed. Next we have the midbrain area, essentially our mammalian brain. It’s the part of our brain that governs the our pack instincts, our ability to learn and remember. The evolution of this part of the brain is probably what lead primates to first start using tools. And lastly we have the brain stem, or the reptilian brain.

The brain stem consists of components such as the medulla and the cerebellum. It serves the purpose of controlling our most basic of actions; heart beat, breathing, reproduction, basically, our survival needs. One other thing it controls that many of us don’t necessarily realize is our fight or flight mechanism. For those that do not know what this is, it’s one the most primal instincts we have, and as far as our reptilian brain goes, it is the only tool we have when it comes to navigate our environment and staying alive.

By now you may be thinking “thanks for the neurology lesson, but I don’t see why this is important.” Don’t count this out just yet though. There are many reasons why this is so important. I think most of us can agree that there is something wrong with the world we live in. From financial crises to war to crime to health problems to the laissez-faire attitude of the general public. There seems to be a never ending supply of bad news getting beamed in to our TVs, radios, computers, etc. There’s a lot more than bad news being beamed in though. There’s also all kinds of programming  throughout our world. Advertisements, reality TV, the music and fashion industries. Every where we look in the world, we’re being bombarded with symbolism telling us to consume, consume, consume. Have you ever stopped to think about what consumption is? Basically, it’s a survival mechanism, and our need to consume is dictated by ***you guessed it*** our reptilian brain.

I’m sure many of you are probably thinking that our culture of consumption couldn’t possibly be wired in to the survival center of our brain, but how many times have you heard someone say that they’d die with out the internet or their smart phone. You may not realize it, but we’ve been programmed in to thinking that our high technology, high comfort lifestyle is necessary for our survival. You see it everyday when you see people spending hours in front of the TV, the computer or eyes glued to their Iphone as they walk down the street or our reliance on fast food and big box stores. It takes a strong dedicated person to resist the call of consumerism, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m guilty of giving in.

Our reptilian brain has been programmed to see all our luxuries as necessities and in nature, animals will consume food and water, their real necessities, until they are full. The problem with human beings is that we’ve advanced so far in so many ways that we’ve really forgotten what is necessary for our survival. And when you think about it, a lot of people would be lost if they were no longer able to hit the grocery store for dinner. It’s tough to think about but there may come a time when surviving will involve a lot more than just grabbing a pack of hot dogs or a can of soup. Natural disasters are prime examples of that. What happens when the power is out for weeks at a time or the oil pipelines run dry and food trucks stop delivering? That’s the make it or break it time.

It is possible to break the chains of conditioning. That ability is proven regularly by our domesticated animal companions. Dogs have definitely fallen in to the consumerism trap. I see it constantly with my 6 month old puppy, every time I come home with shopping bags, he expects there to be something to be there for him. He’s been conditioned in to thinking that all the things that i give to him are necessary for his survival but in reality, if he ever ended up on his own in the world. He would easily revert back to his instinctual need for survival and make it just fine. Obviously there will be danegrs in the world, that’s natural, but that’s where our instincts, both mammalian and reptilian kick in. Being able to control those instincts is not as hard as most people think. That first step can be a bit daunting but once you start down that road, things get much easier.

I do want to make something clear though, as  humans, we have those natural instincts but we also have a lot more going on in our brain.There is an untapped power in our higher brains that we need to cultivate, but proper cultivation cannot occur unless all of our brain functions are working in harmony. Once we’re in control of our instincts and we’re not allowing some outside force to dictate what our survival needs are, then we will truly be able to discover what we’re capable of as human beings.Image